Universiti Malaysia Kelantan


“Pioneering in developing knowledge and technology and natural resources sustainably through entrepreneurship”


  • Prepare quality education and internship in order meet the demand for manpower in natural resources and environment entrepreneurship.
  • Generate income through innovative and sustainable research(s).
  • Serve the public through the spreading and generation of effective knowledge.


  • To create a better understanding and expand knowledge about earth’s natural resources, environmental change and sustainable science through integrated and scientific research.
  • To provide a conducive, fair and productive working environment and create great team work that will highly support basic research.
  • To integrate earth science and other discipline in solving problems academically and intellectually for the community.
  • To solidify the relationship between faculties in university reach through university alumni and cooperative networks.
  • To increase grants and support from outside of the university for research, education and expectation.